The Wolverine (lat. gulo gulo) is also referred to as J?rv or as the Marten Bear and domiciles in northern Eurasia and in North America. He belongs to the Marten species (mustelidae). These animals can grow up to one meter. Thereby the males can weigh up to 30 kg. The Wolverine is night-active and is actually a soil inhabitant who is also able to climb
and swim. While living in freedom it is possible for them to become 10 years of age.
The Wolverine is on the Red List of endangered species and on many parts of the earth already extinct. The reason for the decimation was the hunting in the past in order to obtain its beautiful coat and the fact that the glutton stops at nothing while intruding into houses looking for food.
A new commemorative coin from Mongolia shows the Wolverine from the front view and in artistic high relief. As particularity the eyes are fit with two glistening CRYSTALLIZED
Swarovski Elements.
2 Awards for "The wolverine Coin"
The Coin of the Year symbolizes the year\'s highest achievement in numismatic design, artistic vieion, and craftsmanship. Decided by an expert panel of international judges, the honor of "Coin of the Year" is symbolic of great accomplshment and recognition of numismatic creation. With this unique silver coin CIT has achieved even 2 awards.
施华洛世奇 (SWAROVSKI) 是世界上首屈一指的人造水晶制造商,每年为时装、首饰及水晶灯等行业提供大量优质的切割水晶石。同时也是以优质、璀璨夺目和高度精确的水晶和相关产品闻名于世的奢侈品品牌。施华洛世奇仿水晶的闪耀光芒之所以名闻于世,完全是由于他们的纯净、独特切割以及刻面的编排和数目。施华洛在很多人心中,已然是高贵,优雅,美丽和品位的化身,是人与人之间心灵沟通的桥梁,是美的体现。